In Chun Eng's words...

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

mixed-fortune week about having a bad weekend that drags on till this week
it all started off with me having a cup of Teh Tarik on Saturday night when I went out yam char with Philip. I had only ONE cup and it kept me awake till 5am the next morning and I was supposed to meet up with him at 8.30 to play 'Go'. When I reached home after lunch, I slept the whole afternoon.

Then as things better when Kimi Raikkonen won the first ever Turkish Grand Prix. Yaye... and Montoya should have given McLaren their first 1-2 finish this season. But WTF... he has to make TWO huge mistake on his final lap, both of which lead him off the track. The first enable Alonso to keep up and the second allowed Alonso to overtake him.

Later that night, I was supposed to meet a friend to watch football, Chelsea vs. Arsenal. He mistaken the time to be 10-12 where the game actually starts at 11. Well...wasted an hour at the mamak. The game started well...but Arsenal's attacks looked blunt and Chelsea playing a highly defensive game but it was still very exciting. I went home at half time. But ggrrrr...Arsenal lost. WTF... that Drogba scored again. That's the weekend

And last night...I could not on my computer...why??? The monitor spoilt. cannot use my PC until I get it fixed. Haih...what a week to begin with.

Friday, August 19, 2005


I think everyone would have known what MLM is and what it stands for. But just how many of us actually knew about CRP (Customer Referral Programme)? I was first directly introduced to MLM almost a year ago when an ex-schoolmate of mine started asking me to join which I did not due to his way of approaching me.

But last night I was introduced again to another different MLM which they call themselves as a CRP. While both uses the direct selling or network marketing approach, CRP is a little different so they claimed. CRP works in a way that when customers successfully refer other customers to buy any of the company's products, the former gets paid some introduction fee.

While this scheme is similar to what other MNCs are doing, I was really amased by their ability to talk and sell, something which is very lacking in me. And I need to brush up on this...especially when I realised, what most large organisations are looking for are those with the ability to analyse, talk and sell. These companies would outsource their technical jobs. Furthermore Direct Selling companies would train you if you join them. When I went for the interview with Shell sometime ago, I wasn't been able to sell myself and my ideas and I was not able to get my message across. You might say this is actually my communication skills but either way we still need to talk and to talk well.

Having said all this, I haven't fully decided on joining this CRP company because their products are really quite expensive and it's a big risk. But I'm successful the returns are big. But if it doesn't work out well, at least I've gone through some training on 'selling'. Don't ya think so?

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Hazy day makes my day...

As we all know, the haze has struck upon us...AGAIN!!! Only this time, I think it's far more worse than what happened in the mid-90s.

This time, it came so sudden, without much warning...just like the Tsunami. And this sudden change of weather also reminded me of an old movie I watched recently...'The Day After Tommorrow'. Its about a sudden change of weather that has turned most part of the Northern Hemisphere into a 'North Pole' with temperature dropping to minus hundreds of degree freezing all living things and objects almost instantly. The whole thing happened in few days, just like the current haze.

Those damn Indon Gov. should have done more proper control to open burning in Indonesia. Funny thing is that the open burning is not affecting them at all as strong wind has blown it all to Malaysia. Hopefully either the Indons do something to stop it and that some heavy rains will clear the haze in the next couple of days. Otherwise, we will all fall sick... but on the other hand, this is good businees to the Pharmacies, clinics and hospitals don't ya think.

Because of the haze I can't even eat everyday have to 'tah pou' back to office until the situation improves.