mixed-fortune week
man...talk about having a bad weekend that drags on till this week
it all started off with me having a cup of Teh Tarik on Saturday night when I went out yam char with Philip. I had only ONE cup and it kept me awake till 5am the next morning and I was supposed to meet up with him at 8.30 to play 'Go'. When I reached home after lunch, I slept the whole afternoon.
Then as things better when Kimi Raikkonen won the first ever Turkish Grand Prix. Yaye... and Montoya should have given McLaren their first 1-2 finish this season. But WTF... he has to make TWO huge mistake on his final lap, both of which lead him off the track. The first enable Alonso to keep up and the second allowed Alonso to overtake him.
Later that night, I was supposed to meet a friend to watch football, Chelsea vs. Arsenal. He mistaken the time to be 10-12 where the game actually starts at 11. Well...wasted an hour at the mamak. The game started well...but Arsenal's attacks looked blunt and Chelsea playing a highly defensive game but it was still very exciting. I went home at half time. But ggrrrr...Arsenal lost. WTF... that Drogba scored again. That's the weekend
And last night...I could not on my computer...why??? The monitor spoilt. Damn...now cannot use my PC until I get it fixed. Haih...what a week to begin with.
Maybe philip has sucked up all your good foortune as he claims to have exeptionally good luck lately, haha.... better get it back from him
Jyrenze, at 24 August, 2005 09:38
hahaha....perhaps so
then I will most likely have to 'claim' everything back ASAP
Eng, at 24 August, 2005 13:04
hahaha... u wont be claiming back anything from me :D
i used it up alr :P now for me nex prey... MUHAHAHA
Philip, at 27 August, 2005 01:14
Chun eng, try to steal his Snoopy proton Waja, may be its that car that bring him luck. :P
BillyTong, at 27 August, 2005 08:27
his car so many problem wan...
might instead take even more luck from me
Eng, at 30 August, 2005 13:55
I used to drink "Teh Tarik" every morning in the carteen which near by my working place, hehe!
After that, sometime I went to Petronas to pump petrol, they might provide the Free drink "Teh Tarik", small cup la.....dun expect too much.....of coz is better than got nothing...hehe!
YSLim, at 30 August, 2005 22:41
lucky you
Eng, at 01 September, 2005 13:04
hope can get it every time when i pump the petrol......the real life isnt that lucky every time, hehe!
YSLim, at 02 September, 2005 10:13
hope they not provide u the expired date "teh tarik" :P
BillyTong, at 03 September, 2005 09:08
or.. .Teh Tarik... that had add some... TONGKAT ALI??? :P
eNG hOnG, at 05 September, 2005 10:48
he so strong...no need wan lar
he's got the strength and energy alr
Eng, at 06 September, 2005 09:22
it means they just take out the leftover teh tarik from roti canai mamak stall and serve all the petrol customer?haha!
YSLim, at 06 September, 2005 10:58
no wonder not everyday they provide it.....it depends on the mamak's business lo
YSLim, at 06 September, 2005 10:58
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