Hazy day makes my day...
As we all know, the haze has struck upon us...AGAIN!!! Only this time, I think it's far more worse than what happened in the mid-90s.
This time, it came so sudden, without much warning...just like the Tsunami. And this sudden change of weather also reminded me of an old movie I watched recently...'The Day After Tommorrow'. Its about a sudden change of weather that has turned most part of the Northern Hemisphere into a 'North Pole' with temperature dropping to minus hundreds of degree freezing all living things and objects almost instantly. The whole thing happened in few days, just like the current haze.
Those damn Indon Gov. should have done more proper control to open burning in Indonesia. Funny thing is that the open burning is not affecting them at all as strong wind has blown it all to Malaysia. Hopefully either the Indons do something to stop it and that some heavy rains will clear the haze in the next couple of days. Otherwise, we will all fall sick... but on the other hand, this is good businees to the Pharmacies, clinics and hospitals don't ya think.
Because of the haze I can't even eat out...now everyday have to 'tah pou' back to office until the situation improves.
Blame our Gov for not taking this issue to world court.(Why they like to pemper those indons?) By right we as Malaysia can sue Indonesia for losses in world court.
BillyTong, at 13 August, 2005 19:01
AT last it is gone... to penang...hahaha
Jyrenze, at 17 August, 2005 12:55
yup...it's all back to normal
sniff sniff...and I didn't even have my day off :o(
Eng, at 17 August, 2005 14:03
night time or weekends are so precious nowadays since we join the workforce. T_T And it seems that it pass very fast. T_T.Suddenly back to Monday, wait for "like 10 years" hoping we reach Friday.
BillyTong, at 17 August, 2005 17:03
I think their country is in poor.....the cheapest way to fertilise the soil is open burning....that's y....
hardly to in control...unless......c lo...
some more our country is paying them the money to help them to solve the clear the haze...if not mistaken, i think is 500K...
YSLim, at 30 August, 2005 22:33
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