Jungle Trekking cum Hiking trip
It's been ages since I last went into the jungle. It's always good to visit Mother Nature every once in a while so I joined my colleagues for a jungle trekking trip to Bukit Cheras on Sunday, May 7th, 2006; or so I thought. It was more of a hiking trip instead and an estimated 1 hour trip was stretched to over 2 hours.It would have been a relatively easy trek if not for the heavy rain the night before. The whole jungle is filled with mud and it was so slippery. It was divided into 5 stations until it's peak.
After reaching the 1st station, we went a little berzerk... hence the expression in the photo. There were 7 people who made the trip. But 2 person was missing from the photo (above).... one is the cameraman and the other one is somewhere..... vomitting..... LOLAnother group photo. Soon, many of these faces are not be around anymore because they've left..... gonna miss these jokers..... :o(
And finally, the finishing er... line.. which marks the end of the trip. It's a sad thing that the rest of my colleagues did not make the trip. One I know, could not wake up and some could not... ahem... take the 'challenge'. Otherwise, this would have been a nice department outing.