My last night's dream
Thurs, Dec 22, 2005: It's not an everyday thing that I could remember my dreams as well as this... It all started from me driving. No it's not a car but rather a short train (or trailer) as what you see in parks or the zoo and I was driving in the middle of the highway. I would like to sketch it out if I could. Maybe some other time I'll post it out here.
Anyway, as my dream continued, some mad driver suddenly turned left at a junction towards my train and we met with an accident. The right side of the train was badly damaged. It can't really be my fault since I was at the left lane turning left as well while he's at the middle lane trying to overtake me at a junction. How stupid and dangerous can that driver be? Then, a muscular man twice my size came out of the car with a very angry and evil look.
We did not get into a fight. Somehow, there was something I said that turned him 'soft' and I could see his eyes wet. I can't rememebr what I said and knowing me, I'm not a very good talker. But somehow, it got me out of trouble.
Anyway, that thing that worries me was that the train doesn't belong to me. It belongs to a friend named Wy-Pun. Yes it's the Pun many of us knew. As I was returning the train to her house (which was a huge banglo btw), she and Yong Seng was already waiting for me at the gate. They gave me no reaction of what-so-ever. Whew...relief.
As I driving towards the garage, a distant away, I suddenly hear my father screaming, "Eng, wake up!!!". It woke me up alright. I got shocked and actually jumped off my bed as I knew, when I hear those words, I know I'm late for work. At a glance at my clock, it's already 7.10am... whew... still ok. I can still make it to office on time. In fact, I was still lying on my bed rolling around until 7.30. Was just too lazy to get out of my bed. So that's how the whole dream went. Funny that I can still remember it clearly.
Wonder what all these incidents meant??? HHHhhhmmm...
u dream too much lar
J@cob & Anne, at 22 December, 2005 18:12
pun just came back from a trip to the zoo..mebbe she's hiding one of those trains in her garage..:p
im really wondering if they mean anything too...but matter how wierd my dreams can get..nothing related to tat ever happened in my real life.
aihh..talking abt wierd dreams..i can write a book abt mine..i guess im just too exhausted these few days..:(
ashes, at 23 December, 2005 01:45
maybe we should make a trip to her house to see if the train's there
but from the image of my dream, it wasn't her house... wonder in who's banglo she hid it...
wonder wonder
Eng, at 23 December, 2005 16:26
uh.... I dont recall ever owning any train, toy or otherwise. Should I be flattered that i appeared in your dream? The last time I rode on a train was last saturday at the zoo with steffi
Jyrenze, at 23 December, 2005 22:30
Maybe someday i will own a zoo and eng will be the train driver :p
Jyrenze, at 23 December, 2005 22:31
me?? a train driver??? and how am I suppose to be able to drive a train in the highway, miss?
Eng, at 23 December, 2005 22:39
Weird alright...Pun, you never told me you and YS own a banglow and train. Not fair! I wanna try driving it once too...
StephanieC, at 23 December, 2005 22:53
ashes: we didn't tell him about the zoo trip...oh, I DID invite him to go though. Someone was busy with their training. Hmph.
StephanieC, at 23 December, 2005 22:55
pun: i know the idea of pun owning a zoo is not tat impossible..knowing her..ahha...poor YS..dunno how his future gonna be like.i hope he gets the hint now itself n prepare some backup plans..just in case u know...pun's wild dreams suddenly become wild...:P
steff: yea la steff...aiseh bz least if u invited me i would hav surely turned up..:D
ashes, at 23 December, 2005 23:09
ash, I'm so going to kill you ! YOU DID get the invitation 1 week ago. Sigh now thats a BZ person ! No more excuses the next time !
Jyrenze, at 25 December, 2005 23:19
you can't blame me for having other plans ya know!!! you guys only asked me hours before the trip...
that also because Ash ffk you guys.
Eng, at 26 December, 2005 00:22
ahahahhaha...hours b'for the trip?which was like wat time la?4 or 6 am? wonder la eng tak mau ikut..
okla time ash sure be a goodie goodie boy k..:P
by the way wats "ffk"?
ashes, at 26 December, 2005 23:09
fong fei kei
dunno what it means? ask someone...
Eng, at 27 December, 2005 08:08
How much do u pay for me to explain to u? :P
BillyTong, at 27 December, 2005 10:32
Billy, dun so see kui lar...
among friends also want to talk about money...!!!
Eng, at 27 December, 2005 14:23
hmm... i never been to the zoo here b4 but went to the melaca one instead last year ^-^
Philip, at 29 December, 2005 08:59
that's where they're all goin next...
they're joining the animals and to be as ONE...LMAO
Eng, at 29 December, 2005 09:10
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