feeling sick
For the past 2 days been having sore-throat and flu. Today sore-throat seems better but on the other hand, my flu has gotten worst. Last night slept at 8.30pm. Woke up at about 7.45am...that's about 11 hours of sleep...but I'm still feeling very tired. Yet, not tired enough to take a MC. I guess I'll have to suffer abit in the office today. hahaha
wah, seldom see u put up so many posts one after another, hehe.... this mouse thing is gross la, dun even think of putting a pic
By Jyrenze, at 30 June, 2005 09:25
I really wanted to...
now cannot liau because the head also thrown away already.
By Eng, at 01 July, 2005 09:13
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