In Chun Eng's words...

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Sejarah Diri dan Keluarga

Did some room-cleaning recently and found one of my sister's Form 1 History project she did back in 1991. It was titled "Sejarah Diri dan Keluarga". So naturally she would have written things about the family. There was of course a family tree, simple details of my grandparents, my parents, my brother and I and things about herself. After looking through it, I found some interesting photos and thus, scanned a copy of it.

My grandparents taken during my grandmother's 80th birthday in 1983. Not sure of the exact date but I think I wasn't born yet then. That's why you don't see me in the picture. She passed away 2 years later while my grandfather passed away when I was 12.

And the picture of my brother and I taken when we were 3 months old. I'm not sure who's who in the picture but I'm guessing that I'm the one on the right since he look a little smaller (I've always been the smaller one in size).


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