a not so typical day yet typical
Never before I got a wake up call at 6.30 in the morning and it was kinda surprising to get one this early. Hearing the ringtone, I knew which group of friend this caller is... and after seeing my phone screen, it was this 'woman' I knew way back since my Kung Fu days.
Blurred, I answered the call (don't worry, there won't be any conversation in my blog). Haih... turns out, she wants to print some of her past year exam questions and notes for her exam at 9am today. I wouldn't expect this sort of thing from her but anyhow, got the files from her and started printing. Couldn't finish printing for her though and by the time she got to my place it was raining. I knew she's been sick for the past few days so I thought today is again just isn't her day. Soon after exam, she has to go for a blood test for suspected dengue.
By the time she left, all I could think of is getting back into my wonder sleep. But by then, my alarm is already ringing. Shucks... have to prepare for work already.
Got to the office, no mood to work. Tried surfing around chatting before picking up my momentum but there wasn't much mood chatting as well. Just want to sleep. By then it was already about 10am. Then it was work as usual or so I thought. Just after a new air-conditioner was installed in the office this morning, another one broke down later this afternoon. So the office was back to its warm situation again.
The office was noisy, my table was full of dust and I couldn't work. Yaye... can escape for a while. Was doing some other things except being at my place as the new air-con was being setup. It was just before lunch, so my boss's wife gave us an early lunch.
After coming back into the office, began to settle down, cleaning my place until we realised, the other air-con is now not working. It seems to have been throwing tantrums for the past week. When the repair men came for the 2nd time to our office, it seems to be perfectly fine. They could not find any fault with it. It's as if the air-con is having some mood swings or something.
Soon after, I began to have some terrible headache as I was trying to solve a problem in my module and the more I think, the worst my headache becomes. So I had to stop and started surfing around and chatting again... both of which is illegal of course. But what the heck, there's nothing else that I can do until my headache stops and it is less than 2 hours before going home time.
Fortunately it got better as the time of going home is nearing. Otherwise it will just be an uneventful day for me. As I got home, the whole headache thing seems to have disappeared. Haih... and now as I've completing this post, I'm trying to think what else I can do besides surfing. Life is becoming meaningless as the days go by. Really got to find something to do lar... but what ar???!!!
GO and get a gf... then you'll get more of those 6 am calls...hahahaha....
Jyrenze, at 12 October, 2005 10:18
hehe i wonder who is that Kung Fu girl~ :p
eNG hOnG, at 12 October, 2005 13:54
wah... if getting a gf means getting 6am calls all the time, I'd rather not have any...
at least I can hav to good sleep
Eng, at 12 October, 2005 14:13
Jyzense is right...u need a gf. :P
BillyTong, at 12 October, 2005 22:35
I can't help but to think that Pun is always calling YS at 6am everyday...
are you Pun??
Eng, at 13 October, 2005 09:25
I'm not even awake yet so y should I?
Jyrenze, at 14 October, 2005 15:26
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