In Chun Eng's words...

Monday, April 02, 2007

Happy April's Fool Day

So yesterday was April's Fool. Was anyone fooled? I didn't... and I didn't fool anyone either.

Hahaha... do let me know of any interesting stories... And for those with blogs, do write a post about them.



  • Hahaha didn't do anything for April's Fool... other than get FFK-ed laaa that is!! :P

    Hehe, but yea... the only REALLY interesting April's Fool day I had was last year when we all trolled around KL police stations. :P

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 03 April, 2007 04:47  

  • was that for the fun of visiting the police stations? or were you guilty of a 'crime'???

    By Blogger Eng, at 03 April, 2007 10:23  

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